Frequently asked questions
Who are the manufacturers of the references that Mozaïk Storage is recommending?
For Flash module and card manufacturing, Mozaïk Storage primarily works with the manufacturers Exascend, Apro, Intelligent Memory and UDinfo; for RAM memory manufacturing, Intelligent Memory and UDinfo; and for computing component manufacturing: faytech AG and
Is it possible to test products before buying them?
We will be happy to check to see whether the products in question are available on loan so that you may learn more about technical capabilities and test out specific products.
Please feel free to ask!
How soon can we get a quote?
We will always try our best to send your quote within the shortest time, ideally within 24 hours.
If a chat is needed to better understand your request, we will get back to you as soon as possible.
How do you fix the prices?
We negotiate prices for each project as it is being developed, ensuring that the price obtained reflects the market’s current state (down, stable, up).
Our regular communication with our manufacturers allows us to be aware of their precise production capacities and, consequently, of their realistic delivery schedules.
How do you plan to cut costs and prices at the same time?
We save valuable time by integrating our processes for document creation and management into current tools. This leads to better responsiveness as well as a reduction in our costs, which we pass along to you every day.
How about the environment in all of this?
We save an excess of printing costs by incorporating our processes for document creation and management into current tools, and we propose to send you all of your documents electronically. For delivery reliability, we print only the absolute minimum.
Of course, any documentation can be made available by mail as well. We give you the freedom to choose whatever suits you the best!
When it comes to package shipping, we will continue to recommend that you maximize each package’s capacity to avoid extra deliveries or half-empty boxes.
What makes your products unique from others?
Our products are designed from the start with industrial purposes in mind or for a variety of applications, but always in environments where durability and long-term performance stability are crucial.
The components are chosen in this way, and the quality monitoring and control in-plant procedures, along with fixed BOMs, enable the production of reliable products.
What can I do to secure the availability of the references I need?
We have a variety of tools and methods at our disposal to secure the supply of components whose availability varies.
Availability of products
Our products rely on components that are themselves readily available for a long time in order to offer a long availability of our products. No material or software changes are made to our products for many years, making them compatible with your application after delivery and preventing time-consuming and expensive requalification processes in the event of changes or supply-chain difficulties.
But at some point or another, the products always reach their end of life.
In order to make things right, if a change were to be made, you would be notified around three months in advance.
Additionally, if the product were to be discontinued, you would be notified by us approximately three months in advance.
These time frames ought to be adequate to requalify the replacement.